Singer Handbook

Do I have to audition to join?

NO! DCU is a non-auditioned choir, and the only requirement is your enjoyment of singing! Ability to match pitch and having some experience reading music is helpful, but this is also a great place to learn more about music in a supportive, safe space.

For those who “like” to audition, you might be interested in trying out for Kantorei, the acappella chamber choir that meets from 5:45-6:45PM on Mondays before the main DCU rehearsal. Kantorei performs 3-4 selections at each DCU concert and upon invitation, other special events.


2024-2025 Singer Registration Form

2024 Information Release Form

2024 Minor Liability Release Form

Is there a membership fee?

Yes. To help cover operating expenses like paying our directors and pianist for all their hard work and expertise, cost of scores, venue costs, printing costs, etc. we ask singers to pay a participation fee of $60. The rest of our funding comes from grants and fundraising.

Scholarships: We never exclude singers because of financial constraints. Confidential scholarships are available. Talk to a board member for more information.

What is the concert attire?

We ask our singers to perform in concert black. Guidelines below:

  • Black dress pants/slacks (must be loose, not form fitting) or long to mid-calf length dress or skirt. Leggings, sweatpants, or jeans are NOT acceptable as dress pants/slacks.
  • Black dress shirts or blouses with at least 3/4 length sleeves. T-shirts or short sleeve/sleeveless shirts are not acceptable
  • Black dresses at knee-length or below. No low cut necklines or backs. Your midriff should also not be visible.
  • Black socks or black panty hose.
  • Black dress shoes.  Shoes must be closed toe.  Sneakers, flip flops, or open toe shoes are not acceptable.
  • Neck ties and jackets are not required.
  • Keep jewelry to a minimum.
  • NO allergenic products. Due to numerous choir members with severe allergy sensitivities, please refrain from using perfumes, colognes, hairsprays, and other heavily scented products. Remember that something that doesn’t smell strong to you maybe very strong and dangerous to someone else.
  • No visible jewelry. If jewelry is allowed for a concert, it will be explained in detail prior to the concert.
  • Hair pulled away from the face and not falling in the face.
  • If you prefer to purchase the standard dress or tux, let us know.

What is expected of me as a choir member?

  • Rehearsal attendance is important. If you need to miss a rehearsal, please make every effort to contact the Artistic Director and your section leader. If you anticipate needing to miss more than two rehearsals for either fall or spring, consult the Artistic Director. Excessive absences may cause you to be sidelined for a performance.
  • Rehearsal Location: South Canyon Lutheran Church, 700 44th St, Rapid City, SD 57702 (Across from Stevens High School’s back parking lot)
  • Rehearsal Time: 7:00-9:00 PM on Mondays. Rehearsals start promptly at 7 PM so please be on time with your music, pencils, and name tags.
  • Music Scores: Take care of your music and return it to the Music Librarian with all pencil marks erased. Mark your music only in pencil. Note that your score belongs to the DCU library unless you choose to purchase.
  • Community Building: Foster a sense of family by being friendly, encouraging, and supportive. Take advantage of the breaks by getting to know fellow choir members and try to talk to someone you don’t know every week.
  • Rehearsal Conduct: Listen respectfully and attentively to the conductor and choir leadership during rehearsal and announcements. Do not speak over the conductor, keep whispers to your neighbors to a minimum, and if you have a musical concern not discussed during the rehearsal, please share with your section leader at break or after rehearsal.
  • Communication: Support clear communication between the Conductor, Board of Directors, section leaders, and singers. Bring concerns to your section leader.
  • Participation: Get involved behind the scenes. Volunteer personal time for DCU board offices, attend a board meeting, or join a committee.
  • Recruit: Do you know someone who likes to sing and would be a good fit with DCU? Invite them to join!
  • Fundraisers: Participate in DCU sponsored fundraisers—sell tickets, join planning committees, help with set up and take down. We have lots of opportunities to get involved.

Performance Expectations

  • Ticket Sales: Encourage the public to attend and support our events—bring your family and friends! Sell concert tickets!
  • Concert Week Rehearsals: The week of a concert we rehearse on the usual Monday as well as a dress rehearsal for the performance. Call times for the dress rehearsal and performance will be announced in rehearsals. Make every effort to attend these critical rehearsals before the performance. While we refer to these at dress rehearsals, you do NOT need to wear your concert attire. Dress comfortably.
  • Call times: Call times for concerts will be announced at rehearsals. Arrive early so rehearsal can start on time.
  • Choir Folder: Music must be contained in a black choir folder or black 3-ring style binder. Choir folders can be purchased through local music stores (Haggerty’s), through numerous music websites, or
  • Concert Set Up & Tear Down: Assist as you are able with the moving of risers and any other equipment both before and after the concert and dress rehearsals.