Our History
Dakota Choral Union was formed after a joint concert between the Black Hills Chorale, Black Hills Voices in Concert, and the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Concert Choir in the spring of 1995. SDSM&T started DCU as a class on campus, led by founding director Dr. James D. Feiszli. The combined chorus, with its auditioned choral ensemble Kantorei, officially incorporated as Dakota Choral Union and has continued to share its gifts with the community under the leadership of Artistic Directors Dr. Susan L. Reid, Jerry Gates, Lois Ward, Caroline Brown, Dr. Charles Canaan and Dr. Jonathan Nero. Ellen Shirley, Director of Music at South Canyon Lutheran Church, became our Artistic Director and Conductor as of 2022. The City of Rapid City began providing financial support to the group, making DCU the artistic heir of the Rapid City Choral Club, which was our city chorus a generation ago.
DCU is an organization dedicated to collaboration with other arts organizations in the Black Hills. In addition to its special relationship with the Black Hills Symphony Orchestra, DCU has presented events together with the Bells Of The Hills, A Capella Showcase, the Rapid City Children’s Chorus, Black Hills State University Chorus, Dakota Artists Guild, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology University Choir and the Black Hills Photographic Society. DCU and Kantorei share their passion for vocal music at public events, community meetings, and in assisted-care facilities. Dakota Choral Union is a partially funded by the Rapid City Arts Council and the City of Rapid City. We are grateful to our operational supporters – Haggery’s Musicworks, First Presbyterian Church, South Canyon Lutheran Church and appreciate use of rehearsal space provided by Rapid City Area Schools at Central High School. To help mitigate operational costs, DCU is also funded by membership fees, private donations, concert tickets, and our annual fundraiser.
Kantorei is DCU’s auditioned small ensemble group specializing in a cappella choral music. Kantorei consists of complementary, blended voices and performs a set of pieces within DCU concerts and on occasion individual concerts.
For more information, contact Dakota Choral Union at dcurapidcity@gmail.com.
Board of Directors
Brady Jones, President
Carol Pesek, Vice President
Stephanie Hanson, Secretary
Patricia Tlustos, Treasurer
Tom Bowman, Member-at-Large
Leslie Cline, Member-at-Large
Non-Board Advisors
Ellen Shirley, Artistic Director & Conductor
Andrew Belsaas, Collaborative Pianist
Barbara Brackett, Choir Administrator
Susan Anderson, Music Librarian
Gina Plooster, Marketing

This project is partially funded by the Rapid City Arts Council, in partnership with the City of Rapid City.